Jonathan Ellis is a 4 ½ year old boy who participates in the full-time day therapy program at the Professional Park – Clarksville location of Autism ETC. Jonathan’s parents are Jordan and Jessica Ellis. Jonathan’s story is shared by his mother who began, “By age 3, Jonathan was not talking. He was not making sounds or saying any words. He started pre-kindergarten in the school system due to his speech delay so he could receive speech therapy. A parent of a child in the group observed Jonathan and talked to my dad, John Gleason about looking for someone to test Jonathan for autism. I talked to Jonathan’s pediatrician about this but he would not send a referral so that our insurance would pay for the assessment. Eventually I made contact with Autism ETC and was able to have Jonathan scheduled for testing. He was diagnosed with autism in March, 2022 when he was 3 ½ years old. We were on the waiting list until July, 2022, when we were offered a full-time opening at Autism ETC.”

Jessica shared, “When Jonathan started coming to Autism ETC, I was concerned about him having problems with transitioning. Amazingly he did better than we expected. We told Jonathan he was going to a ‘new school’ and showed him where he would be going and the transition went well. During the time we were on the waiting list, Jonathan made little progress in his language development. He was able to say a few words, but was still very delayed. Now in less than 1 year he can say full sentences and have full conversations. He makes eye contact and he is able to read emotions. He understands if I am sad about something and he will try to comfort me.”
“Jonathan has made great progress since he has been coming to the center,” Jessica continued. He has blown through so many of the goals that we have set for him with his therapist. He is advancing so fast that when I have attended parent training, we discuss setting more goals and working on potty training. He will turn 5 in June and he will start Kindergarten at the end of the summer. He will be attending a private school program that specializes with children with ASD and he will continue to come to afternoon sessions at Autism ETC. His therapist at the center is working with him to become more independent. As he is progressing, I believe he will hardly need a one-on-one person to work with him when he is in school.
Jessica and her family have seen a huge difference in Jonathan. “The key to getting help for your child is to get them tested early,” Jessica said. “If you see signs and symptoms and are concerned about your child, get them tested as soon as possible. If you child needs services, get them added to waiting lists as soon as possible. When you child begins school, you have to advocate for your child because as a parent you have to be your child’s best advocate.”